Cornwall: The Best Place on Earth... Seriously, It's a Fact!


Picture this: a land of stunning coastlines, charming villages, and pasty shops at every turn. Welcome to Cornwall, the absolute epitome of perfection. Now, I know what you're thinking. "Come on, Cornwall can't possibly be the best place on Earth." Well, my friend, prepare to have your mind blown. Here are the facts…

Pasty Paradise:

Let's address the crimped, flaky, golden elephant in the room: Cornish pasties. These delicious parcels of heaven are enough to make your taste buds do a joyful jig. With fillings ranging from traditional steak and potato to exotic combinations like lamb and mint, the humble pasty is an edible work of art. And here's a fun fact for you: the Cornish pasty even has its own Protected Geographical Indication status. Who needs the Mona Lisa when you have a pastry masterpiece?

Steak Pasty For The Win

Fickle Weather:

Ah, the Cornish weather. It's like playing a never-ending game of meteorological roulette. You wake up to clear skies, don your summer attire, and by midday, you're drenched in rain that would make Noah contemplate building another ark. But fear not! This fickle weather adds a touch of excitement to your daily adventures. One minute you're sunbathing on the beach, and the next you're scrambling for cover in a quaint tea room on the harbourside. It's a constant reminder that life in Cornwall is anything but predictable.

Unpronounceable Place Names:

You thought Welsh place names were a tongue-twister? Well, Cornwall takes it to a whole new level. Good luck pronouncing names like Stithians, Praa, Tregony, or Mousehole without sounding like you're trying to cough up a furball. It's like a secret language only the locals can fully master. But hey, if you manage to pronounce a place name correctly, you'll earn a nod of admiration from the Cornish, and that's worth its weight in Cornish clotted cream.

The Classic Cornish Place Name

Seagulls on Steroids:

Have you ever encountered a seagull that could rival a pterodactyl in size? Welcome to Cornwall, where the seagulls have a wingspan that could give even the bravest souls a fright. These feathered fiends are the unofficial rulers of the coastline, and they take their role very seriously. Enjoying a lovely seaside picnic? Well, prepare for a Hitchcockian experience as the seagulls swoop in like winged pirates to snatch your fish and chips. It's a never-ending battle of wits between humans and gulls for dominion over the Cornish skies.

Beaches Galore:

Cornwall boasts some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world, and they come in all shapes and sizes. From the wide sandy stretches of St. Ives to the hidden coves of Fowey, there's a beach for every mood and inclination. But beware the deceptive allure of the Cornish sea. One minute you're dipping your toes in the water, and the next you're caught in a ferocious rip tide, clinging to a nearby surfer like a lost barnacle. Ah, the joys of seaside adventures!

Legendary Hospitality:

Cornish hospitality is as warm and comforting as a freshly baked scone with lashings of jam and clotted cream. The locals are a friendly bunch, always ready with a smile, a cheerful "hello," and a genuine willingness to help lost souls navigate the winding country lanes. You can't help but feel like you've stumbled upon a secret club where everyone is in on the joke, and the joke is simply living in the best place on Earth.

Jam First

Let me assure you that Cornwall is not just a place; it's a state of mind. It's a land where the weather keeps you on your toes, the seagulls hold you in awe, and the pasties fuel your gastronomic desires. It's a place where the scenery will leave you breathless and the people will leave you feeling like you've found a second home. So, pack your sense of adventure and your sense of humor, and prepare to fall head over heels for the undeniable charm of Cornwall.

It truly is the best place on Earth... no, really, it is!


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Godrevy Point