Ramblings From The Rocks
I wanted to talk about fishing. Not just the part where you put bait on a hook and catch a fish, but the whole experience.
For me personally, and I am sure many other anglers will agree, the whole process of fishing, from the methodical planning the night before, to that ‘one last cast’ when on the shoreline.
Each part of this process holds anticipation. The very thing that’s keeps us angling week in week out.
It starts with a sixth sense that you develop after fishing for a number of years. I immediately check my weather app. It tells me I must go fishing tomorrow. I close the app and dive straight into a tide time application. The stars align, I can squeeze a four hour session between school drop off and pick up. Jackpot.
The drive to the mark is pleasant. My mind fixated on getting there and casting a line. On arrival, you are met with that familiar soothing environment. Waves lapping against the rocks, buzzards soar overhead and the calling of the Gulls make this unmistakably, my happy place. Casting and retriving, absorbing nature and thinking of little else, this is fishing bliss.
Fshing, the ulitmate stress-buster.
The rod takes a big dip. A fish. It’s a nice one. Certainly the cherry on the cake after a blissful four hours in the Cornish sun.
Then, the unthinkable happens. The line goes light. The fish has gone. I stop everything, wishing hard for the beast to come back. It doesn’t. A slow wind in of the line and defeat is clear.
I pack up, replaying the recent scrap with the lost fish in my mind over and over again to work out what went wrong. Simply put, sometimes the fish wins. Driving home, a song comes on that lifts my pecker. I begin to think that the conditions were perfect and that I may even go back again tomorrow morning first light, to have a rematch with my fishy nemesis.
That’s what keep all us going back. We know that we can catch fish. Sometimes, simply the fish wins.
Until next time. Tight lines 🎣