Doctors Orders!


Recently we have been lucky enough to meet the wonderful Dr. Mathew Rogers, who we had the pleasure of taking fishing and spending a few hours discussing the benefits of angling in regards to (mental) health and well being. 

We will be working with Dr. Rogers (BSc, MBBCh, MRCGP) over the course of 2022 on this subject, where he will kindly provide insightful information and share tips to help provide a boost for 2022. 

We spoke in great depth and I wanted to provide you with a summary of why fishing is GOOD for you!

Fishing isn’t just a hobby that boring old men partake in, it is so much more than that!

vintage fishing, falmouth, cornwall, old man, fisherman, boring old man, black, white,

With both physical and mental health benefits, we are beginning to see more families and friends utilise the sport as means to spend quality time together aswell as individuals looking to enjoy a new hobby.


Below, we have listed our top 10 reasons, as to why fishing is great for your mind, body, & soul. 




1. Exercise


It may not look like an angler is burning that many calories, but on average you can burn between 150-300 calories an hour fishing! That is without the walk across fields, up and down cliffs or trudging across beaches to get your favourite spot!


2. Vitamin D


Vitamin D deficiency is more common than you would think in the UK! 

Low levels can lead to a weaker immune system, feeling tired and a low mood. Having more outdoor exposure is a great way to naturally raise your vitamin D levels. The sun beaming down on your face can work wonders for your body and everyone knows a little sunshine can put a smile on the face. Be sure to wear sun protection though! You’ll still get all the benefits of producing vitamin D, whilst also offering great protection to your skin.


3. Clean Those Lungs


Air pollution is an ever-growing concern around the globe. It has been shown to be linked to asthma, Parkinson’s, and heart disease. Spending time at your local fishing spot can help bring you out of the city environment and give your lungs that fresher and cleaner air it needs.


4. Mindfulness


Surrounding yourself with nature has been shown to have a positive impact on mental wellbeing. Focusing on your rod or float as well as striving to improve your fishing skills, helps to relax both your body and mind.


5. Reduced Screen Time


Ditch the screen and get down to the water! We all lead busy lives which can weigh heavily on our mood and relationships. Fishing can help develop patience and concentration, two very important skills indeed.


6. Self-esteem


Your fishing journey helps develop key skills over time, with the ultimate reward coming in the shape of a fish. That sense of achievement you get from each trip, from learning how to cast, choosing the right bait, assessing weather and tides to finally taking a fish and eating your catch is a truly incredible feeling.


7. Be Part Of The Fishing Community


Fishing can be enjoyed with family, friends and loved ones. There is a wide range of resources available to anglers nowadays, to help improve your fishing skills. Our top tips include searching online fishing forums or even popping into your local tackle shop to chat with likeminded people. Feeling part of a fishing community is a special feeling.


8. Healthy food


Fish is packed full of rich nutrients, which are vital for our health and wellbeing. You can find omega-3 fatty acids, protein and multiple vitamins, including Vitamin D and B2. It’s known for being rich in calcium and phosphorus as well as packed full of essential minerals like iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium.


9. Learn New Recipes


The bonus of catching fish for the table is that you begin to learn new skills in the kitchen. How can you make that bit of fish taste even better? Both the reward of catching the fish and cooking a delicious meal will surely flood your brain with endorphins!


10. Making Memories


Nobody forgets their first fish and it is even better when you can share that euphoria with others. Every trip will hold a little bit of magic in one form or another, whether hauling out your target species or spending some time next to the water and embracing the nature around you.


With so many health benefits, why not give fishing a try. It can help unlock so much more that you could possibly imagine. 


Grab that rod and reel and get yourself a little dose of ‘vitamin sea’!

fishing, cornwall beach, happy time, learn to fish, mental health, wellbeing, tightest lines, beach fishing, falmouth

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